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Sample Lesson: English (for secondary 3)

English Argumentative Writing Practice

This sample document of how AppleTree can be incorporated into an English lesson for secondary school students.

Main Objectives:

  1. Write an argumentative essay using evidence and refuting opposing views.

  2. Explain personal claims and evidence in an argument ('Secondary School A should do more to educate youths about using social media more responsibly.' Do you agree?).

  3. Analyse other classmates’ claims and evidence during collaborative learning

  4. Refine collaborative artefacts based on peer-comments

  5. Write individual writing based on artefacts in collaborative learning

Main Focus of the Powerpoint Presentation used in class:

  1. Explain to students the importance of argumentation (i.e. End of Year Oral Exams, Argumentative Writing)

  2. Understand how AppleTree can be used to practise argumentation skills

  3. Share with the students the different phases of AppleTree (i.e. 5 Phases)

  4. Explain to students how to use AppleTree during each phase:

  1. Explain to students the importance of argumentation (i.e. End of Year Oral Exams, Argumentative Writing)

  2. Understand how AppleTree can be used to practise argumentation skills

  3. Share with the students the different phases of AppleTree (i.e. 5 Phases)

  4. Explain to students how to use AppleTree during each phase

Lesson materials


Supported by

Greenridge Secondary School

English Teachers: Mdm Chng Yi Na, Ms Kezia Soh & Mr Sooty Heng


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