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Videos About AppleTree

Hope the following videos will ignite your interest and inspire you to explore the possibilities of using AppleTree your preferred learning tool.

What is AppleTree?

Whats is Apple Tree?
Introduction to AppleTree System
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Introduction to AppleTree System

What is AppleTree?
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What is AppleTree?

What is AppTree?
Take a peek

Take a peek into AppleTree

Take a peek into AppleTree
Video 1: Individual Ideation Phase & Intra-group Synergy Phase
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Video 1: Individual Ideation Phase & Intra-group Synergy Phase

AppleTree System: Procedural Video 2
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AppleTree System: Procedural Video 2

What educators say

What educators and students say about AppleTree

What educators and students say about AppleTree?
A candid conversation with Teachers about AppleTree System
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A candid conversation with Teachers about AppleTree System

Educators' and learners' thoughts about AppleTree
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Educators' and learners' thoughts about AppleTree

Ideas behind AppTree

The ideas behind AppleTree

The ideas behind AppleTree
Part1: 3 challenges AppleTree system addresses
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Part1: 3 challenges AppleTree system addresses

Part 2: The pedagogical model which powers the system - SMCKI
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Part 2: The pedagogical model which powers the system - SMCKI

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